within a week of putting out the new logo they had thousands of people reacting to it. None of the feedback they recieved was positive. Customers could not believe they changed the logo was much as they did or at all. In return from all the negative feedback Gap decided to bring back the old logo and completely get rid of the new. For once with the economy changing as much as it is something new was not a good idea.
The new logo was uninspiring, boring to look at and just made the company in my opinion look bad. Outsiders are saying that they should Have gone with a real designer instead of using Microsoft to create it. Microsoft has good fonts but, not always the right one you are needing. The font they picked was boring, the color scheme was boring and it does not look like a logo for a clothing brand.
According to Amanda Elswe from Penn State, "The new logo is perfect for the brand. It communicates exactly the values currently embodied by Gap: A sense of being lost and a lack of clear vision and creatively." In the recent years, Gap has seemed like they are in foggy situations, and lost state of minds.
Gap has learned a huge lesson from this experience. One thing that they have learned was that they should have worked with their customers to make a new logo. They need to allow the customers to give their advice and say about the change. Another thing is that they should have explained the reason behind the change of the logo. By the time the company got around to explaining it it was already too late.
Oliva Dayne, Gap spokeswoman said, "that changing the logo was the next logical step in their redesign plan. The logo was developed internally and wanted to keep the heritage of the blue box, butbring Gap to the forefront."
In my opinion, this new logo is one of the worst I have seen in a while. To me it looks like a logo for a corporation that involves insurance or something along along those lines. Logos for brands should make people want to go to your store and buy your clothes, not make them stay away. I understand that Gap wants some change to their logo and fashion line but, I just do not think it is the right time for the change. Or, if they were really determined for some change they should of made the logo about the same but, add a picture or change the font. Another thing I do not understand is if the company is losing money as the months go on then why would they spend tons of money changing their logo? I tried to find about the financial aspect of the change but, was unable to find anything.
In the end Gap has learned a huge lesson. Before they made changes they should consult with their customers and the rest of the public. They should survey the public to see if the company should make any changes. Another thing is rethinking their strategy before wasting a ton of money for a new logo when they are already losing money from their clothing sales.
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